Empowering minds, enriching lives since 2016
Finding freedom wherever you are
Lighter Being™ is a transformative series designed to help the busy & stressed take a few moments each week and each day to develop their own mindfulness practice.
It is 14 weeks, with a 15-20 minute video each week and small daily practices to help improve your mental and emotional stability, focus, job satisfaction, performance, stress management, cultivating inner peace, and an overall lighter sense of being.
The series is taught by master yoga and mindfulness teacher Tida Chambers.
Tida guides you through a variety of relaxation, breathing, and movement practices each week and provides daily practices to help grow your own personal practice.
Click the video to watch a sample of practices included in Lighter Being™
A consistent mindful practice is proven to reduce anxiety, depression, and improve the quality of overall mental health.
Each lesson will focus on a theme that includes various mindfulness tools to cultivate a Strong Mind®, Brave Heart®, Wise Body®, and Noble Spirit®.
The last six lessons address the integration of all of the components and mindfulness into your lifestyle.
Each lesson consists of
A check-in with your state of being
Conscious breathing practice
Gentle movement practice
Guided relaxation
Mindful practices for the coming week
Downloadable PDF to support your daily practice experience
How to Enroll
To Register click on the ENROLL button below and complete your registration & payment for immediate access for 1 year (renewable) license.
Cost: $47
To receive a "quote" on a group discount click the button below.
Cost: Depends on number of users
Joan Pratt
Educational Diagnostician, Garland, TX School District
I can’t recommend the “Lighter Being” program enough!
It has been my therapy, and has helped improve my physical and emotional well-being, immensely! Over the weeks, I have learned to practice the strategies taught in the videos, daily, and with an automaticity that I never had before!
Ripple Effect
By committing to the Lighter Being experience users will not only create a positive impact for themselves, but the ripple effect will transcend from the individual to those whom they touch personally and professionally.
The videos have helped me to practice conscious breathing and be more relaxed.
Garland, TX School District
The instruction was clear and well-prepared for all activities
and videos.
Garland, TX School District
Community Liason
I really liked the self-paced videos and very helpful tips
Garland, TX School District
Facilitator's Aide